Roses Say It All - Why Color Is Important
When you want to give someone special a gift or want to decorate for a special occasion, it is tempting to rush to the florist or to a local store and purchase a nice bouquet of roses or arrangements that include roses. Instead of just purchasing the colors that best suit your mood or the color scheme for an event, consider the meaning of different colors.
If you allow the rich history of this beautiful flower to work for you, the rose will say everything that is on your heart and mind.
You probably already know that a red rose is the symbol of love, but did you know that there is a reason for there being different shades of red roses? Different shades mean different levels of devotion, with a deep fiery red showing the most intense passion.
Red is the obvious choice for weddings, anniversaries, and other occasions celebrated by couples in love. While you may want to break tradition and go with less commonly used flowers for these events, it's nice to include some red roses here and there just for this well understood sentiment.
Pink Roses
This is the color to spring for when you want to convey a sincere "thank you." The deeper the shade of pink the more devotion that will come with the meaning. Often, pink flowers are given to people in the hospital or in bed with severe sickness. This is not incorrect, but it is best to choose a more pale shade for this purpose.
Pink is often used at sweet sixteen parties as well as weddings and anniversaries. This is often done without regard to the true meaning of the color, but because it simply fits the occasion. Pink is also used for baby showers when a little girl is being expected.
White Roses
When you go with white, you are speaking to innocence, youth, and all things pure. This is the most popular color for religious events such as a baby's baptism. Since marriage is considered a ritual that keeps a couple pure and in line with proper customs, this is an appropriate color for bridal showers and weddings.
Combining red and white roses is extremely popular, not only because it looks beautiful together but because it combines the purity of youth and hope with the intense desire and urgency of romantic love.
Yellow Roses
A yellow rose symbolizes friendship and is often used in non-romantic situations. While it can be used as a subtle accent color at weddings or funerals, it is often not the primary color used in bouquets for such events.
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